The Flute Player - Marcel Marceau (Jan Dalman)

Perth exhibition, conversation and book signing – out of silence: Marcel Marceau by Jan Dalman

Photographic exhibition

6 February – 4 March 2019 – Dress Circle Foyer

His Majesty’s Theatre

825 Hay St, Perth, Western Australia

Photographers had never been allowed on stage to take photographs of French mime legend Marcel Marceau during his performances.

When Marceau and Dutch-Australian photographer Jan Dalman first met, they formed an immediate trust. Thereafter, whenever Marceau toured to Australia he invited Dalman to take photographs during his shows from the wings of the theatre. Jan photographed Marcel over a 38 year period between 1965 and 2003.

This captivating exhibition showcases the enduring connection between subject and photographer in a selection of beautiful photographs.

Perth book launch and conversation

Friday 15 February 2019 12 noon to 2 pm – Dress Circle Foyer

His Majesty’s Theatre

825 Hay St, Perth, Western Australia

Elizabeth Camerorn Dalman OAM and guest panel:

Patrons may purchase drinks from the theatre bar from 11.45 am
Book sales, signings and exhibition tour at the conclusion of the panel discussion

I feel sure that the photographs will revive fond memories for many of those who experienced Marcel Marceau’s performances. For those who never had that opportunity, these images capture the energy and bravado of that unique solo career. At the same time we not only have the benefit of the portraitist’s craft, but an insight into what it took to ensure the existence of such an archive.

Robyn Archer AO FAHA

The book is also available for sale at Planet Books stores in Northbridge and Mount Lawley.

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Dalman Productions gratefully acknowledges the support of His Majesty’s Theatre (Perth Theatre Trust) and the ACT Government through Canberra Museum and Gallery